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About Us

Our Mission

H-Town DAO stands at the forefront of fostering Web3 innovation in Houston. We are a pioneering decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) established with a vision akin to a chamber of commerce, dedicated to nurturing the growth and development of the Web3 ecosystem in the vibrant city of Houston.

What We Do

  • Community Building: Bringing together a diverse group of Web3 enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders.
  • Educational Initiatives: Democratizing knowledge about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other Web3 technologies.
  • Facilitating Panels and Events: Organizing high-impact panels, discussions, and networking events.
  • Supporting Startups and Projects: Providing resources and networking opportunities to budding Web3 startups.
  • Advocacy and Policy Development: Engaging with policymakers to foster a conducive regulatory environment.

Our Community

We are a community of forward-thinkers, believers in the power of decentralized technology, and advocates for a more inclusive digital future. Our members range from tech enthusiasts to seasoned entrepreneurs, all united by a shared passion for the potential of Web3.

Join Us

Whether you're a Web3 veteran or just beginning your journey, H-Town DAO welcomes you. Join us in shaping the future of technology and commerce in Houston.